Thursday, February 14, 2013

Depth of Field

Today's lesson was Depth of Field and so I thought of rendering out a bullet shot through a glass. The liquid's a fail render on champagne which somehow I can't get right :|

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hyundai Tucson WIP

Hyundai Tucson. I see this car a lot back home in the Philippines so I decided to model this up for my finals in the Maya Fast Track. Mark Dedecker said if we wanted to model out a car, model something that isn’t commonly done so here it is, Hyundai Tucson.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Works for the Texturing and Shading 1 class

These two are the summary for last week's lesson Texturing and Shading 1. Deviated from our instructor's work  though instead of doing exactly what he did I implemented whatever he was teaching into something I wanted to work on.

The three billboards I worked on back in the Philippines for Publicis JimenezBasic. This also happens to be my first freelance work. I was in-charge of the 3D assets, Antlers,Fur,Tentacles,Sea Anemones and Clownfish. Honestly, I was disappointed with the last billboard since I wasn't able to work on it so much that it looks rushed but still I'm really glad I was able to work with a great advertising  company for my first freelance work.